Overview Huayatapallana, Huancayo Peru - part 2

A mountain house sits closely to the mountains of huayatapallana.

Hutapalana Peru21

The clouds move fast here and we were lucky to have a nice day...

Hutapalana Peru22
The Glacier near the bottom of Lake.

Hutapalana Peru23

A ceremony called Pagapu or "offering" is performed at the base of the Glacier.  This ceremony is a ritual that signifies the start of the new year.  The New Year varies in each family and falls near to the time that the Sun is furthest from the Earth, around June 24th.  The offering consists of different rituals performed within the circle of rocks.  Each object in the offering is a represents a prayer for something.  The flowers represent a welcome of new growth.  Fruit is placed for the crops and food.  Pictures are put in to pray for friends and family.  There are various amounts of other things put in. 

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After the ceremony, Huayatapallana welcomes the clouds and puts on quite a show.  The temperature dropped sharply, and for a moment, began to snow.  

Hutapalana Peru25

Retrieving down off the glacier, definite ice equipment needed here.  Ice is a incredible surface that is as deadly as it is cold. 

*Feature written and photographed by Phillips, April 2001.  The guide during the terrorist occupancy is Lucho Hurtado, who can be found at La Casa de Abuela.  Information regarding altitude, weather, and geography was supplied by guides and taken first hand with altimeter readings.



Huancayo is located in the Andes Mountains approximately 5 hours by bus from Lima. See other adventures in this region for specifics.

©2013 Globetrotter Adventures
Globetrotter Adventures
Carbondale, CO 81623